Quote It! ~1 Midnight Kiss by Nancy Gideon

by 9/01/2013 0 comments
Hi Everyone,

I'm launching my first Quote It! post today! For those of you who read my blog regularly, you might have seen a post about it last week, but this is the first official post. As you might know, I love quotes, and wanted
to start sharing some of favs from my current reads with you regularly. They might be not spoiler free, so read at your own risk--although I will try and do my best NOT to spoil you.

I wanted to share you with quotes from a book I'll be reviewing shortly. It's Midnight Kiss by Nancy Gideon, and I hope you think the quotes are as to die for as I do.

"All love is madness. But I will suffer it gladly."

He'd thought that the vile hunger alive inside of him was the most powerful urge imaginable. But he was wrong. Love was stronger.

She laughed softly. "There is no logic in love, Louis. Love is like the beauty of the heavens. It needs no reason to exist. Do not deny me the glimpse of paradise we've made between us."

"Go, Bella"
It was after the door was closed between them that the words he'd used settled deep. 
My love. 
She tried the knob, but it wouldn't give. The door was locked from the inside. She leaned against the barring portal and closed her eyes. 
My love. 

"You will not have him!"

Keep your eyes open for my review!

Jewels E


I'm a thirty something girl who loves to read, write and dream. Because I'm so addicted to the written word in all its forms, I created this blog to share the books that devastate me with you.